Religious education and faith formation are central to our educational program. The program focuses on a life-centered approach to learning and is appropriate to the age and development of the child. Lessons contain a balance of doctrinal content, scriptural understanding, and faith formation. Students also participate in age-appropriate retreats. Finally, the child's life experiences are incorporated into the lessons.
Students at Holy Family attend weekly Mass every Wednesday at 8:15. Beginning in 1st grade, each class takes turns preparing for the weekly school liturgies. Students act as servers, lectors, gift bearers, cantors, musicians, and petition writers. Throughout the year, students also participate in prayer services. We hope to see you at Mass!
Sacramental preparation is provided through the combined efforts of the Religious Education Director, the principal, teachers, and the Religious Education Assistant. The Grade 2 religion program includes preparation for Reconciliation and First Communion.
Students at Holy Family act on the principles of Catholic Social Teaching through various service learning outreaches. These include school-wide collections, classroom projects, and group field trips for one-on-one service connecting in the Milwaukee community.
Holy Family School models itself after the Holy Family in the nurturing Guardian Angels community-building program. Older students are paired with younger students (8th graders with K3) to share and support in a mutually beneficial relationship. Students share projects, reading activities, Advent and Lent prayer, sit together at school Mass, celebrate holidays, and greet one another in the hallways, playground, and lunchroom. The result is a special big kid/little kid bond that unites our community.